Expert answered|sujaysen |Points. A measure of the amount of groundwater available in the water table C. A measure of the amount of groundwater available in the water table D. collateral, d. The zone of saturation is where the pores and fractures of the ground are saturated with groundwater, [1] which may be fresh, saline, or brackish, depending on the locality. everything is. Question. Warm air: rises sinks is more dense than cold air is less dense than cold air holds less water vapor then cold. Which two factors determine how easily water is able to move through rock or sediment. 2. What's porosity? A. Technician B says that the area of two small valves added together is often. Rating. 3. User: An easy way to reduce calories intake during the week is to Weegy: An easy way to reduce calorie intake during the week is to drink 12 glasses of water per day. define tributary. True B. _____ determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation New answersPermeability - determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, [ from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. This is not true concerning the impact. AboutTranscript. Weegy: Newton's Third Law of Motion states that: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Expert answered| Wallet. :26 AM. Below the water table, water fills pore spaces and can flow. New answers. z is the charge (+ or −) on the ion, F is the Faraday constant, ΔΨ 1-2 is the membrane potential in units of volts or millivolts, depending upon the value taken for F, R is the gas constant and T the temperature in degrees Kelvin. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. A measure of the amount of open space within unconsolidated sediment or rock D. Salinity and temperature is the two factors determine the density of seawater. weegy* * Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Explanation: The porosity is a measure that tells us how much of a rock or sediment is actually an open space. Weegy: In addition to nutrition, EXERCISE is an important means of maintaining your health. Jozeal. 23 terms. c. valve lift D. Department of Energy Office of Science. A. Asked 5/2/2021 10:28:04 AM. How dams affect river ecosystems. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. Weegy: Sustainable yield determines the maximum rate at which a renewable resource can be harvested. Weegy: Exfoliation is a pressure-related phenomenon in which enormous flat or curved sheets of rock fracture and detach from the outcrop: Erosion removes the overburden from a rock created at high pressure deep in the Earth's crust, [ allowing the rock to expand and cause cracks and fractures along the sheet. Question. Small changes to flow releases can counteract these. Viscosity determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Weegy: Melody refers to the tune of a piece of music. Rating. User: _____ determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. a natural formation that resembles a dome 8. A. Permeability determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. At the bottom of the glacier, ice can slide over bedrock or shear subglacial sediments. User: In addition to nutrition_____ is an important means of maintaining your health. If a tank filled with water contains a block and the height of the water above point A within the block is 0. divide- the high point or ridge that determines the direction that determines the direction that rivers flow. Weegy: The basis for physical fitness is good eating habits. A. Residual water pressure (pressure available at the outlet before a fixture) affects the flow rate of a fixture. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. 0 m > Soil Impervious Figure 2. A divide determines the direction a river flows. (look at pic) Step 2 - Calculate rate of flow to deliver 100 mL per hour via pump or by drop factor. The _____ optimizes airflow, keeps cylinder pressure in a certain range, and determines the engine's operating range. Updated 9/16/2020 4:51:32. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. ecogill18. These lines feature what type of figurative language? Weegy: In Emily Dickinson's poem, she writes, "How frugal is the Chariot / That bears a human soul". User: When the water level of a stream or river exceeds its natural banks, it has reached its A. (4) Lower heat and slowly simmer for 45 minutes. This notification could be through a phone tree or by messenger. Technician B says electrical circuits usually conduct higher amounts of current through heavier conductors and commonly operate high current flow devices, such as. Place a layer of sediment in the flume, level it to have a planar surface, and establish a uniform flow at a certain depth and velocity. Surface water seeps into the ground and recharges the underlying aquifer—groundwater discharges to the surface. User: _____ is a force. User: which two factors determine the density of sea water Weegy: The temperature of the water and the salinity of the water are the two factors determine the density of sea water. Permeability determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. never eat after 6:00 PM Weegy: An easy way to reduce calorie intake during the week is to - drink 12 glasses of water per day. Question. D. User: Which of the following factors is used to help determine estimated. Weegy: President Richard Nixon improved relations with China as a way to gain an advantage in the Cold War. Divide both sides by wall area A = w ⋅ d A = w ⋅ d, and you'lll get water pressure affecting whole pool side : Pwall = ρgd 2 P w a l l = ρ g d 2. 10/26/2023 11:03:56 AM| 4 Answers. Added 26 days ago|9/23/2023 8:45:46 AM User: _____ determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation Weegy: Viscosity determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. Weegy. Popular Conversations. Brazil's population lives along the coast because of its proximity to the Amazon River. Expert answered| Jerrald@22 |Points 39604| Log in for more information. tributary- brooks, rivers, and streams. determine the composition of rock. Seasonal flow distortions (top) cause shifts in species compositions. Score 1. The higher the voltage, the more energy is available to move electrons. determine the relative age of rock strata. 4. User: The buildup of sediment where a river empties into a slow-moving or nonmoving body of water is known as a/an Weegy: The build up of sediment where a river empties into a. ] User: Your classmate is trying to determine the rate of. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like the five factors that determine the size of water supply piping are: available water pressure, fixture demand,. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. determine the pattern of water flow through rock. Weegy: Viscosity determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. Expert answered|emdjay23. Weegy: The Underground Railroad was a secret network organized by people who helped men, women, and children escape from slavery to freedom. Expert answered|Jerrald@22. Question: Determine the pore water pressure at the bottom tip of the sheet pile in Figure 2. Comments. 1. Karst topography, which includes sinkholes and caves, occurs in areas with a lot of limestone, dolomite, and gypsum. Stratigraphy is used to _____. Weegy: You suspect that a sample of rock dates from about 200,000 years ago. Comments. 11/15/2023 2:34:35 AM| 4 Answers. The calculation used to determine amperage of a conductor based on the total number of conductors in a conduit is called A. The ease with which water is able to flow from one pore to another in rock C. This is the situation that led to the fatal debris flow at Johnsons Landing, B. Permeability determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. 0 Answers/Comments. There are no. Log in for more information. The salty, cold water near the poles sinks toward the ocean floor. C. Weegy: If an astronaut has a mass of 80 kilograms on earth, [ the force of gravity on their body be on the moon will. ] Expert answered|HARLEY61 |Points. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Log in for more information. Who did. ultrasonics. 9512 User: Providing immunity by. The weight of overlying snow, firn, and ice, and the pressure exerted by upstream and downstream ice deforms glacier ice, in a phenomenon known as creep. A. Solution: Loss = 21. _____ determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation New answers Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Weegy. may rise during rainy periods and sink during droughts, The majority of Earth's liquid freshwater exists in __. A measure of the amount of open space within unconsolidated sediment or rockdivide- the high point or ridge that determines the direction that determines the direction that rivers flow. D. User: All of the following islands are located in Canada except _____. Use this pipe flow calculator to analyze the properties of water flowing in a gravity-fed system. Below the water table, water fills pore spaces and can flow. Get an answer. Log in for more information. _____ determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation New answers Permeability determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. a skilled musical or theatrical performer 2. Question. Altitude determines how easy it is for water to flow from one poor to the next from areas of higher elevation two areas of the lower elevation. C. may rise during times of drought and sink during rainy periods; c. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. process of molecules moving from an area of high concentration to low concentration. Endotherms, such as birds and mammals, use metabolic heat to maintain a stable internal temperature, often one different from the environment. Log in for more information. Popular Conversations_____ determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. Log in for more information. A divide determines the direction a river flows. push rodAn aquifer is filled with moving water and the amount of water in storage in the aquifer can vary from season to season and year to year. Jozeal. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Weegy: Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking much more specific,. determine the pattern of water flow through rock. When washing the car, use a hose with an on/ off nozzle or use buckets of rinse water. User: What type of map is best suited for maritime navigation Weegy: Mercator projection is best suited for maritime navigation User: Anything that has volume or mass is Weegy: Anything that has volume or mass is called: MATTER. A measure of the amount of open space within unconsolidated sediment or rock. Infiltrating water generally passes through the water table to become groundwater. a. hydrologic B. Requirements resource management task determines the type, quantity, receiving location, and users of resources. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it. Chapter 9 Review. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Weegy: Unlike herbivores, carnivores have noticeably large pointed canines. Score 1. In Emily Dickinson's poem, she writes, "How frugal is the Chariot / That bears a human soul". The complex interaction of water above ground and below ground is a key element of the hydrologic cycle. doesn't contain any dissolved salts. Weegy: China has one of the world s fastest-growing economies. . Popular Conversations. While tides are most commonly associated with oceans and large bodies of water, gravity creates tides in the atmosphere and even the lithosphere (the surface of the earth). The device that can measure the flow of water in a pipe is called a water flow meter. determine the composition of rock. Check all that apply. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Weegy: Using both maps, the regions in Washington that get the most or the least amount of rain is: sees upwards of 73 inches of rain each year, while the US Average is 38 inches. New answers. Place a layer of sediment in the flume, level it to have a planar surface, and establish a uniform flow at a certain depth and velocity. _____ determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation New answers Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Warm air rises, is less dense than cold air, and can hold more water vapor than cold air. The ease with which water is able to flow from one pore to another in rockTo permit a large water flow, the pipe must have a large cross-sectional area. A measure of the amount of groundwater available in the water table C. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. Expert answered| Jerrald@22 |Points 40780| Log in for more information. Solution: Loss = 21. D. capacity. A router connects devices together and helps direct network traffic. 1 7. Weegy: Diction is what determines a poet's words and phrases. False. Ventifacts are created by a process of erosion called. User: Which factor determines how well aerated a soil is?Responses organic matter in soil pH size of pores materials dissolved in water Weegy: Size of pores determines how well aerated a soil is. Score 1 User: The main idea of the poem is also known as the Weegy: The main idea of a poem is also known as the Subject. Weegy: Stalagmite forms when a speleothem on the ceiling of a cavern meets with a speleothem on the floor of a cavern. Terms in this set (19) The amount of current flowing through each resistor is directly proportional to its resistance. Updated 3/15/2021 6:54:10 PM. Log in for more information. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. study the process of rock formation. User: _____ determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation Weegy: Viscosity determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. Weegy: To paraphrase a poem means to rewrite it in one's own words. Viscosity determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. rainfall and snowmelt and. Weegy: Exfoliation is a pressure-related phenomenon in which enormous flat or curved sheets of rock fracture and detach from the outcrop: Erosion removes the overburden from a rock created at high pressure deep in the Earth's crust, [ allowing the rock to expand and cause cracks and fractures along the sheet. Log in for more. Weegy. determine the rhyme scheme. Expert answered| emdjay23 |Points 209402|. Viscosity determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. a deep bass voice that extends to C below bass staff 4. Permeability determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. the availability of money c. amorphous. capital, c. study the process of rock formation. weegy. This flow rate calculator uses flow velocity and cross-sectional flow area data to determine the volumetric flow rate of liquid. Weegy: The water cycle is also referred toa s the HYDROLOGIC cycle. Sustainable yield determines the maximum rate at which a renewable resource can be harvested. Solution: Loss = 21 1/2 - 20 3/8. This may happen in standing water (lakes or margins of slow flowing rivers) or under consistently high rainfall (upland or mountain regions). Expert answered|emdjay23. There are no comments. Weegy: Lily Quinn makes $12. _____ determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation New answers Search for an answer or ask Weegy. [ Washington doesn't see as much snow compared to the rest of the country, though, only averaging about 17 inches compared to the national average of 28 inches of. Score 1 User: The best description of uniformitarianism is ___. rewrite it in one's own words. Asked 1/1/2019 9:33:56 AM. Asked 9/6/2020 2:01:12 AM. 3. Overall, water comprises somewhere between _______ percent of a person's body weight. The depth of the water in an aquatic ecosystem determines the amount of sunlight that living things receive there. Rating. Only the porosity of an aquifer determines the flow of groundwater. This report summarizes the findings of a workshop on basic research needs for solar energy utilization, organized by the U. This downward movement of water through different soil layers. As a refresher, animals can be divided into endotherms and ectotherms based on their temperature regulation. define tributary. The ease with which water is able to flow from one pore to another in rock. Weegy: A recharge area is the part of an aquifer that's located at a lower elevation. It is easier for water to flow through rock and sediment with larger pores than through rock and sediment with smaller pores because: there is less friction between the flowing water and the pore walls. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like the five factors that determine the size of water supply piping are: available water pressure, fixture demand, length of piping, height of building, and flow pressure needed at top floor, when street water main pressure fluctuates widely throughout the day, the water supply system of the. Weegy: It leads to the new formation of the tectonic crust under the water that either pushes continents together or pulls them apart is how sea. During a continuity test, a digital multimeter sends a small current. Global thermohaline circulation is a relatively slow process. Log in for more information. the level of industrial development. The ease with which water is able to flow from one pore to another in rockWeegy. serve gravies, sauces, or dressings on the side. They are classified into different types, including:So this can be remembered by using something called the right hand generator rule. Expert answered|emdjay23. Weegy: A solar eclipse (as seen from the planet Earth) is a type of eclipse that occurs when the Moon passes between. intake manifold B. Infiltrating water generally passes through the water table to become groundwater. Weegy: A weakened immune system may be caused by: immunodeficiency disorders. User: which two factors determine how easliy water isable to move through rock or sediment Weegy: Two factors determine how easily water is able to move through rock or sediment are: The size of the pores underground rock material has and if the pores are [ connected. Weegy: An ecologist is a scientist who studies how animals and plants interact with their environment. Question. Expert answered| Jerrald@22 |Points 35224| Log in for more information. Weegy: How many satellites are part of the US Department of Defense’s Global Positioning System? a 18 b 6 c 24 d 12: c. [ This is used in rhetoric to balance out contrasting. User: Question 8 of 20: Select the best answer for the question. A divide determines the direction a river flows. Click the card to flip 👆. Log in for more information. capslock. Permeability determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. User: The process where all chemical reactions within organisms enable them to maintain life is known as Weegy: The process where all chemical reactions within organisms enable them to maintain life is known as metabolism. Question 14 options: True False. , in 2012. local drought conditions d. completely eliminate bread and dairy from the diet. Weegy: The combination of the atoms of two or more elements is known as a compound. Score 1 User: How does paraphrasing help readers. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. 100 kcmil. Which statement correctly describes the flow of energy in photosynthesis? A. Melody refers to the blank of the piece of music. 98. The statement is true. Get an answer. Weegy. Dammed rivers with hydropeaking (bottom) cause daily distortions that can eliminate key species from food webs. This problem has been solved! You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Log in for more information. Trapped in a ship's ballast or a water tank was most likely its mode of introduction. Steam Bulletin: Archive - Email Magazine. texture D. Question|Asked by lilogrevert. Weegy: When the water level of a stream or river exceeds its natural banks, it has reached its FLOOD STAGE. Log in for more information. elasticity . Weegy: Stalagmite forms when a speleothem on the ceiling of a cavern meets with. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Expert answered|emdjay23|Points 271065|. Larger pores mean there is less friction between flowing water and the sides of the pores. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Weegy: 2+2 = 4 User: whats a digital text Weegy: 2+2=4 User: What's the best way to avoid filter bubbles and echoWhite perch is a fish that is native to Atlantic coastal regions and is invasive to the Great Lakes. Expert answered|Flora1988|Points 2706| User: how do water and. Log in for more information. Expert answered|sujaysen |Points. Weegy: Thermohaline circulation helps regulate Earth's climate by transporting warm seawater to colder regions of seawater. Permeability - determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, [ from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. Permeability determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. This is True. Gives information about the structure and is numbered for easy filing. Expert. scurvy. 0 Answers/Comments. Expert answered|Jerrald@22. Weegy: A delta is likely to form where a stream deposits sediment as it enters another body of water. completely eliminate bread and dairy from the diet. nicer homes C. User: A company wants to start a nuclear power plant as a way to produce clean. Prince Edward Island C. Weegy: Viscosity determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. Look At Sales Versus Cash Flow. B. Question. Log in for more information. Weegy: The rays of the sun and the tilt of earth's axis are two significant factors related to the sun's uneven heating of earth. Sometimes, particularly in the treatment of mitochondrial and related. the present is the key to the past. push rodAn aquifer is filled with moving water and the amount of water in storage in the aquifer can vary from season to season and year to year. 8826 User: Which determines carrying capacity? logistic factors exponential growth population growth limiting factorsThe water cycle is also referred to as the _____ cycle. 6/5/2023 9:32:58 PM| 11 Answers. Permeability determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. Question. Water flows easiest through Gravel. ] Expert answered|HARLEY61 |Points. User: _____ determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation Weegy: Viscosity determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. If it gets plugged into hardened lava, lava can flow through dykes at the side of the volcano. The ease with which water is able to flow from one pore to another in rock C. ecogill18. 5. Permeability determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. Permeability determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. Water Test. higher incomes Weegy: Families living in rural areas tend to have more children. Permeability determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next, from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. polders D. User: When the water level of a stream or river exceeds its natural banks, it has reached its A. Weegy: Free Cash Flow = Net Cash Flow From Operations - Capital Expenditures where Net Cash Flow from Operations comes from the Statement of Cash Flows and an increase in capital expenditures comes from the balance sheet If you look at free cash flow [ across several years of firm data and it is growing, that usually means. Weegy: An easy way to reduce calorie intake during the week is to. To escape the current in rivers, river-based cyanobacteria form mats with algae at the bottom of river beds. (5) Remove the saucepan from the heat. Updated 3/25/2018 11:15:11 PM. User: What developed as a result of the electron transport chain Weegy: Proton gradient - developed as a result of the electron transport [ chain. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. O C. a lyrics B. Specific gravity. _____ determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next , from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation. what material does water flow easiest through. [ This is used in rhetoric to balance out contrasting. Weegy. Weegy: Tephra are a combination of water and rubble. The term voltage describes the electrical potential difference between two points. or. New answers.